Nowadays people use only English language to communicate. People who do not know much English should also use English words while communicating in between. But there are many such things, whose English names are not known to everyone. So today we will know the English names of some such things, about which we do not know.
No matter how much you have studied, you would not know the names of these 20 things in English.
Know the English names of these 20 other things including Bhajia
1. सूजी
No matter how much you have studied, you would not know the names of these 20 things in English.
The semolina from which shero, upma etc. is made is called Semolina in English.
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2. टिंडा
Not everyone knows the vegetable of Tinde, but that Tinde is called Apple Gourd in English.
3. साबूदाना
The Sabudana that we make here in fasting is called Tapioca Sago in English.
4. हींग
Hing is called Asafoetida in English, which is used everyday, without which the curry of pulses seems incomplete.
5. भजिया
Monsoon arrives and the demand for Bhajiya increases with tea, but not everyone knows that Bhajiya is called Fritters in English.
6. छेनी
Pudding is made by grating carrots, but the chisel used to grate carrots is called Grater in English.
7. खांडणी
Things like ginger, garlic, chillies are crushed in the khandani in everyone's house, it is called Mortar in English.
8. वेलन
The velan used for making bread is called Rolling Pin in English.
9. ओर्सियो
Which is woven by applying flour on a board like thing, in many homes it is called Orsio, that board is called Rolling Board in English.
10. चिमटे, चिप्पर
The most commonly used things in the kitchen are tongs and chopsticks, which are called Tongs in English.
11. तुरिया
Turiya growing on the vine, about which few people would know, is called Ridge Gourd in English.
12. मेथी
Fenugreek seeds, which are very useful for the body apart from being put in pulses, are called Fenugreek in English.
13. परवल
Parwal's vegetable would be liked by everyone, but they do not know that Parwal is called Pointed Gourd in English.
14. मखाना
Makhana is so much fun to eat but do you know its name in English? It is called Fox Nuts in English.
15. अलवी
Alvi's vegetable looks like potato vegetable in taste but it is called Colocasia Roots in English.
16. सीताफल
Sitaphal is the tastiest and has many seeds, but it is called Custard Apple in English.
17. अजमा
Mother's Home Remedy for Stomach Pain Ajma, it is called Carom Seeds in English.
18. आंवला
Amla which is considered best for hair is called Gooseberry in English.
19. लौकी
Very few people would know the vegetable of bottle gourd, but a handful of it can be eaten with two hands, but it is called Bottle Gourd in English
20. सौंफ
Almost everyone remembers Mukhwas after eating food and Mukhwas means fennel, but it is called Fennel Seeds in English, now remember.
21. चीकू
It is a great pleasure to drink Chiku's milkshake, but what is the name of Chiku in English? In English it is called Sapodilla.
(ये आर्टिकल में सामान्य जानकारी आपको दी गई है अगर आपको किसी भी उपाय को apply करना है तो कृपया Expert की सलाह अवश्य लें) RRR
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